I wanted to write and share something from a spiritual and biblical view instead of from a humanistic "fleshly" view. Topics of debate, especially concerning the U.S. Presidential race, have so many Christians wondering what to really think or who to support.
For Christians we have the obvious choice ... Ted Cruz, self-proclaimed Christian and strong fighter for the constitution. Personally, I like Ted Cruz. Then, we have this outsider Donald Trump. As a Christian, it would be so easy to choose Ted Cruz because he seems safe and would possibly make a good solid president. I do like the "underdog" John Kasich as well, and at this point I don't even consider either of the democratic candidates and for good reason. Hypothetically, if I had to vote for a democratic candidate right now I'd choose Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton. Just wanna add that John Kasich really doesn't receive the support or media attention that he probably deserves.
What has the bible taught us about the men or even women that God has chosen throughout his word to perform his will. Many of them have been people that the media, religious sect and high officials would not have ever chose. We assume that we know what’s best for this country, especially for the office of presidency, ... But we don’t .... Not really .... Nor can we predict it with absolute certainty.
Question: Would you have chose Jesus Christ to be the savior of the whole world if you were living during the time he walked the earth and you had to put it to a vote?
If Jesus would have came to any church today and started shouting and turning over tables in the foyer with cookies, books and cd’s for sale what would people have done? They would have condemned him to some status as hate, unsaved and then they would have had him removed from the church.
You know God’s word has always stood and ringed true on the scriptures and statements from 1 Samuel 16:7 and Isaiah 55:8-9.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts - Isaiah 55:8-9
But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart - 1 Samuel 16:7
God does not judge according to man’s judgment. Men look on the outward appearance while God judges the intent of the heart. God sees what can be ... but mankind sees what is.
Donald Trump certainly fits the “what is” because nobody really knows for sure. However, it would be unwise and wrong for any Christian to believe that God couldn’t use someone like Trump to perform his will. It is possible ... Are not all things possible with God?
But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible - Matthew 19:26
Do you think because violence and riots going on surrounding Donald Trump make him the devils advocate? On the contrary, riots and violence surrounded Jesus when he walked during his time on the earth. Total peace will not come until Jesus Christ comes back to rule and reign on the earth. Don’t forget the controversial statement that Jesus made:
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword - Matthew 10:34
Many of us know that some of the protestors against Trump's campaign were paid plants. Some of the same people were caught on video showing up at various rallies intentionally causing disruption.
How about the whole foolish incident of Donald's campaign manager Corey being charged with assault by Michelle Fields? When the actual real video was released she was discredited and some mainstream media sources had to put their foot in their mouth. Here's a good article written by Stacey Dash, who experienced real battery, about the ordeal along with the real video footage. Click here: Charging Trump’s campaign manager with battery is an insult to actual battery victims
God taught me not to view things from the outward appearance a long time ago which is one of the reasons why I wrote the book “Drawing a Line in the Sand.” Jesus never did judge by the seeing of his eyes or by the hearing of his ears. This nature of Christ was even prophesied about in Isaiah 11:1-3. God gave us the wisdom to know that it is very unwise to jump the gun on any matter without knowing the true intentions behind it.
Here are just some examples of people God chose to do his will for good that many Christians and churches would not have ever chose:
Would you have chosen the pagan empire of Egypt and Pharaoh to save all of Israel? God did through Joseph.
Would you have chosen John the Baptist, (who didn’t look the part by any standard), be the voice of God who would prepare the way for our Savior Jesus Christ? God did.
Would you have chosen the 12 disciples (a rowdy bunch)? God did.
Would you have chosen a harlot (prostitute) like Rahab to do his will and provide help for his people? God did.
Would you have chosen Moses during his time to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt? God did.
Would you have chosen a donkey to talk as the voice of God? God did.
Would you have chosen small young David to fight against the Giant and win? God did.
There is no Christian alive that would have chosen Paul (Saul) as one of the most anointed and influential disciples of Christ ever to walk the planet and write much of the New Testament. He was a hater, racist, violent and a murderer ... Sound familiar. However, God did choose him.
You know I could go on and on listing these. The simple fact is that God has never went with man’s view, opinion or advice. God is God ... And the Lord has always bucked against the norm and performed the unexpected baffling mankind. Then, right away mankind turns around and puts God in a box as to say, “We know what is right and God is gonna choose with us.”
Do you think the media, especially mainstream media, is for God, biblical principles and Jesus Christ? Most of them certainly are not ...
They also seem to be black-balling Trump along with the help of some of the Republican Party ... and our first Amendment, not to mention the 2nd & 4th Amendment, is under siege. As much as I like Ted Cruz, he also jumped on the bandwagon without thinking about the possibility that just maybe ... Just maybe ... God could choose Trump for his purpose and will. However, Ted Cruz is running a campaign folks not a church service, he’s gonna strike while the irons hot and I don’t blame him. The media in some ways haven’t been so friendly to Cruz either and he’s handled himself wiser in those situations. As a strong constitutionalists, Ted Cruz has probably already noticed what is being done to Donald and Trump supporters in relation to the First Amendment. Ted has to run his race though and stay on target ... He can’t really just jump in for Trump shedding light on Donald because of what it would do to his own campaign. I gotta say ... It would be great to see them both on the same ballot together standing against the establishment, biased media and even the IRS if necessary.
I myself do not know God’s will on the matter, but I do believe that God can use someone like Donald Trump to perform his will for the good of the people. Look, many people have been praying for years for God to heal this nation, bring revival as well as restoration and a refreshing. So, don’t be surprised if God uses Trump to lead because faith is the evidence of things not yet seen. I gotta have some faith myself to even actually believe that God would or could use “Bragodocious” Trump for his glory and will. Mr. Trump has got some true grit and common sense though which is probably why people like Chuck Norris, Clint Eastwood, Ted Nugent and Willie Robertson have endorsed him. I myself can't say that I don't like Mr. Trump because I do.
The sad thing is that many Christians are slandering other Christians who are supporting Trump instead of Cruz when they don’t even know God’s true will? Do you think this pleases God? Proverbs 6:16-19 lists six things that God hates. One of which is slander & gossip.
Satan is gonna do everything he can to stop God’s will ... Wouldn’t you say that sometimes mainstream media is certainly influenced by principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places? Does it not seem like some of the mainstream media are trying to destroy and discredit Trump on a daily basis? They are certainly not trying to destroy and stop Trump because they want to do what is right or just to honor God ... Think about that. Most mainstream media outlets question the existence of God, the Holy Bible, Christianity and even refrain from using the name of Jesus entirely.
I may or may not sincerely support Trump, but I certainly wont cast aside the possibility that God could raise him up for the good of the country. All the information, opinions, media videos or articles against Trump are not gonna change God’s will “IF” he has chosen to anoint Donald Trump and raise him up.
Gotta be fair though and nobody is perfect. Do you think that Ted Cruz is the perfect Christian? Do you think that Mr. Cruz has been completely honest with America, especially Christians? Although I like Ted Cruz this article with real true facts reveals a different perspective for Cruz supporters. Click here: Does the immigration fight tell us about Cruz?
God’s agenda is not man’s agenda and most Christians truly know this but still get caught up in the flesh over matters. Whether you believe in God or not this is a spiritual war and battle and only God knows the outcome. Do you know the outcome or the future of any of the presidential candidates? Then why state it? Why falsely presume it?
Is it not truly God who is in control who also removes and raises up leaders?
Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him - Daniel 20:22
But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another - Psalm 75:7
In all fairness if I was to make a comparison between Donald Trump and any biblical character right now it would be this:
If we were really to compare someone to Trump out of the Bible to be raised up by God to perform his judicial will I’d choose Nebuchadrezzar. King Nebuchadrezzar was powerful, rich, not seemingly humble and did not truly know or serve the one true living God. However, in Jeremiah 43:10 God referred to him as “my servant” and raised him up to overthrow another evil and corrupt empire which were the Egyptians. Sadly, after many years of rule, Nebuchadrezzar’s end result was disastrous ... but still ... God used a corrupt king and empire to remove a corrupt king and empire.
So, in contrast, could God use Trump to bring down a corrupt government or expose evil in various ways ... The answer is yes if that were God’s will because God is in total control. Does God see things in Trump’s heart that no one else does? Yes, but what are they ... We don’t know. Donald Trump hasn’t displayed many good fruits outwardly that most media sources are revealing. However, the mainstream media doesn't get to truly define Trump nor are they Donald's judge. I've personally seen some media sources that actually show good fruits from Donald Trump. Here's one here as just an example that most mainstream media sources aren't going to show. Click here: Former Miss Wisconsin with Illness Tears Up Thanking Donald
So, I’d say if he’s used by God it will possibly be for a much needed change or even a decree of judgment for God’s will and purpose. We don't really know nor do we understand God's ways or judgments. Since the early 80's Trump has pointed out the fact that our country is being ripped off and taken advantage of, in relation to currency and trade, by other countries like the Middle East, China and Mexico. If this is true, then biblically this is what is known as unjust weights and balances that needs attention.
What about Mr. Trump's whole abortion statement? Let's be clear ... God or his Holy Word does not approve of or support abortion. It is considered the shedding of innocent blood. Life begins at conception. Within God's word HE has sent judgment upon people for the shedding of innocent blood.
The statement that Donald Trump made concerning abortion & punishing women was meant to address the scenario if abortion was banned or illegal. If the law is broken then aren't you normally punished for the unlawful deed whatever it may be?
Should there be an exception for women to have an abortion for cases such as incest, rape or mother's life in danger? I don't know, but that decision is between that person and God. We're not their judge. Just for the record ... I don't agree with abortion despite it being a woman's right. There is nothing "right" about killing the unborn.
Here's Trump's latest statement on abortion that I saw on MSNBC NEWS: Statement on abortion answer from Hope Hicks on behalf of Donald Trump reads: "Mr. Trump gave an accurate account of the law as it is today and made clear it must stay that way now until he is President. Then, he will change the law through his judicial appointments and allow the states to protect the unborn. There is nothing new or different here."
Do I think that the Spirit of God is moving in a direction within the United States that will invoke change for his kingdom? I’d say yes. Is he gonna use Donald Trump indirectly or directly for this cause? I don’t know. My post was based on the notion that it is possible for God to raise someone like Trump up to bring about his will. My post is not in absolute support of Trump. It actually shed some support for Ted Cruz as well. I'd still like to see them join forces. The Republican Party is gonna damage itself if Trump receives all the necessary votes and delegates and they choose to not appoint him as their nominee.
On a concerning spiritual note, if Trump never becomes a true child of God (Elohim-Yahuwah) through Jesus Christ (Yeshua), then his final outcome could possibly be disastrous much like King Nebuchadrezzar, but only God knows and only God knows if Donald has made that decision or if he's gonna make that choice.
...But still...What if? ... What if the mainstream media and people against Trump are wrong ... What if he's going to help "make America great again." Trump's teasing bid for a presidency since 1980 is almost prophetic. If Donald Trump was really so destructive, evil or ignorant wouldn't it show in his life even currently right now or better yet....wouldn't it show in his children?
On the contrary, his life, family and children show differently. His children, unlike some wealthy Hollywood children, are not destructive, drug addicts, spoiled brats or foolish. They actually have great work ethics. God definitely blessed Mr. Trump with a good family and he has revealed just how important "family" is to him. Below are two video links that reveal a lot about Donald Trump, the bid for president and his family. Can the past tell the future?
Watch these videos that reveal how Donald feels about our country and what he'd like to see accomplished and changed even as far back as 1980. History doesn't lie folks...
1st video...a compilation of Trump interviews & media spots relevant to politics since 1980: Click here - Donald J. Trump: The Long Road to the White House (1980 - 2015)
2nd video...an interview between Barbara Walters and Donald Trump, which included his wife, children and grandchildren plus more: Click here - Donald Trump's Wife, Children Talk About His Campaign, Home Life
Once again, my post is really based on the notion that it is possible for God to raise someone like Trump up to bring about his will. Since this blog-post may receive quite a bit of attention I gotta state this for the record: I haven't decided who to completely support yet in our presidential election nor did I vote for Trump as the nominee in Florida. Despite everything said or done could Donald Trump be a good president or more importantly could God anoint and raise him up for HIS purpose and will?
There is no doubt that Mr. Trump is probably more brilliant than people know. It's known that he's very strategic and will most likely not reveal much of his plans all out in the open and for good reason. The statements he made concerning the media and President Obama throughout the years sometimes giving away our military's plan of action to our enemies were spot on? You can't really defeat an enemy that can watch your every move and tactic being given away on satellite tv for the whole world to see.
I think that it's really gonna make a huge difference who our next president appoints as their advisors and full cabinet. You gotta have the right people surrounding you as President. Will Trump or Cruz?
What should each Christian do concering this matter? We should pray and ask God for wisdom, guidance and direction even when it comes to support or voting.
Despite who's elected as our next President they will not be a savior. Our country must turn its heart back to God. You would have to be completely blinded not to see our drastic decline and calamities in every way since the year 2001.
Here are some good source links as well as mainstream ones to search for articles and videos in reference to the presidential campaign, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, but are they biased? ... You decide:
My new revised nonfiction Christian biblical study guide, “Drawing a Line in the Sand”, is now finally available as a paperback book and was linked with the ebook on the same page.
Here are the links for the paperback and ebook version available on Amazon
Click here - Ebook version on Amazon
Click here - Paperback version on Amazon