Sunday, March 20, 2016

Should Christians support or vote for Donald Trump?

Should Christians support or vote for Donald Trump?

I wanted to write and share something from a spiritual and biblical view instead of from a humanistic "fleshly" view. Topics of debate, especially concerning the U.S. Presidential race, have so many Christians wondering what to really think or who to support.

For Christians we have the obvious choice ... Ted Cruz, self-proclaimed Christian and strong fighter for the constitution. Personally, I like Ted Cruz. Then, we have this outsider Donald Trump. As a Christian, it would be so easy to choose Ted Cruz because he seems safe and would possibly make a good solid president.  I do like the "underdog" John Kasich as well, and at this point I don't even consider either of the democratic candidates and for good reason. Hypothetically, if I had to vote for a democratic candidate right now I'd choose Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton. Just wanna add that John Kasich really doesn't receive the support or media attention that he probably deserves.

What has the bible taught us about the men or even women that God has chosen throughout his word to perform his will. Many of them have been people that the media, religious sect and high officials would not have ever chose. We assume that we know what’s best for this country, especially for the office of presidency, ... But we don’t .... Not really .... Nor can we predict it with absolute certainty.

Question: Would you have chose Jesus Christ to be the savior of the whole world if you were living during the time he walked the earth and you had to put it to a vote?

If Jesus would have came to any church today and started shouting and turning over tables in the foyer with cookies, books and cd’s for sale what would people have done? They would have condemned him to some status as hate, unsaved and then they would have had him removed from the church.

You know God’s word has always stood and ringed true on the scriptures and statements from 1 Samuel 16:7 and Isaiah 55:8-9.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts - Isaiah 55:8-9

But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart - 1 Samuel 16:7

God does not judge according to man’s judgment. Men look on the outward appearance while God judges the intent of the heart. God sees what can be ... but mankind sees what is. 

Donald Trump certainly fits the “what is” because nobody really knows for sure. However, it would be unwise and wrong for any Christian to believe that God couldn’t use someone like Trump to perform his will. It is possible ... Are not all things possible with God?

But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible - Matthew 19:26

Do you think because violence and riots going on surrounding Donald Trump make him the devils advocate? On the contrary, riots and violence surrounded Jesus when he walked during his time on the earth. Total peace will not come until Jesus Christ comes back to rule and reign on the earth. Don’t forget the controversial statement that Jesus made:

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword - Matthew 10:34

Many of us know that some of the protestors against Trump's campaign were paid plants.  Some of the same people were caught on video showing up at various rallies intentionally causing disruption.

How about the whole foolish incident of Donald's campaign manager Corey being charged with assault by Michelle Fields? When the actual real video was released she was discredited and some mainstream media sources had to put their foot in their mouth. Here's a good article written by Stacey Dash, who experienced real battery, about the ordeal along with the real video footage. Click here: Charging Trump’s campaign manager with battery is an insult to actual battery victims

God taught me not to view things from the outward appearance a long time ago which is one of the reasons why I wrote the book “Drawing a Line in the Sand.” Jesus never did judge by the seeing of his eyes or by the hearing of his ears. This nature of Christ was even prophesied about in Isaiah 11:1-3. God gave us the wisdom to know that it is very unwise to jump the gun on any matter without  knowing the true intentions behind it.

Here are just some examples of people God chose to do his will for good that many Christians and churches would not have ever chose:

Would you have chosen the pagan empire of Egypt and Pharaoh to save all of Israel? God did through Joseph.

Would you have chosen John the Baptist, (who didn’t look the part by any standard), be the voice of God who would prepare the way for our Savior Jesus Christ? God did.

Would you have chosen the 12 disciples (a rowdy bunch)? God did.

Would you have chosen a harlot (prostitute) like Rahab to do his will and provide help for his people? God did.

Would you have chosen Moses during his time to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt? God did.

Would you have chosen a donkey to talk as the voice of God? God did.

Would you have chosen small young David to fight against the Giant and win? God did.

There is no Christian alive that would have chosen Paul (Saul) as one of the most anointed and influential disciples of Christ ever to walk the planet and write much of the New Testament. He was a hater, racist, violent and a murderer ... Sound familiar. However, God did choose him.

You know I could go on and on listing these. The simple fact is that God has never went with man’s view, opinion or advice. God is God ... And the Lord has always bucked against the norm and performed the unexpected baffling mankind. Then, right away mankind turns around and puts God in a box as to say, “We know what is right and God is gonna choose with us.”

Do you think the media, especially mainstream media, is for God, biblical principles and Jesus Christ? Most of them certainly are not ... 

They also seem to be black-balling Trump along with the help of some of the Republican Party ... and our first Amendment, not to mention the 2nd & 4th Amendment, is under siege. As much as I like Ted Cruz, he also jumped on the bandwagon without thinking about the possibility that just maybe ... Just maybe ... God could choose Trump for his purpose and will. However, Ted Cruz is running a campaign folks not a church service, he’s gonna strike while the irons hot and I don’t blame him. The media in some ways haven’t been so friendly to Cruz either and he’s handled himself wiser in those situations. As a strong constitutionalists, Ted Cruz has probably already noticed what is being done to Donald and Trump supporters in relation to the First Amendment. Ted has to run his race though and stay on target ... He can’t really just jump in for Trump shedding light on Donald because of what it would do to his own campaign. I gotta say ... It would be great to see them both on the same ballot together standing against the establishment, biased media and even the IRS if necessary.

I myself do not know God’s will on the matter, but I do believe that God can use someone like Donald Trump to perform his will for the good of the people. Look, many people have been praying for years for God to heal this nation, bring revival as well as restoration and a refreshing. So, don’t be surprised if God uses Trump to lead because faith is the evidence of things not yet seen. I gotta have some faith myself to even actually believe that God would or could use “Bragodocious” Trump for his glory and will.  Mr. Trump has got some true grit and common sense though which is probably why people like Chuck Norris, Clint Eastwood, Ted Nugent and Willie Robertson have endorsed him. I myself can't say that I don't like Mr. Trump because I do.

The sad thing is that many Christians are slandering other Christians who are supporting Trump instead of Cruz when they don’t even know God’s true will? Do you think this pleases God? Proverbs 6:16-19 lists six things that God hates. One of which is slander & gossip.

Satan is gonna do everything he can to stop God’s will ... Wouldn’t you say that sometimes mainstream media is certainly influenced by principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places? Does it not seem like some of the mainstream media are trying to destroy and discredit Trump on a daily basis? They are certainly not trying to destroy and stop Trump because they want to do what is right or just to honor God ... Think about that. Most mainstream media outlets question the existence of God, the Holy Bible, Christianity and even refrain from using the name of Jesus entirely.

I may or may not sincerely support Trump, but I certainly wont cast aside the possibility that God could raise him up for the good of the country. All the information, opinions, media videos or articles against Trump are not gonna change God’s will “IF” he has chosen to anoint Donald Trump and raise him up.

Gotta be fair though and nobody is perfect. Do you think that Ted Cruz is the perfect Christian? Do you think that Mr. Cruz has been completely honest with America, especially Christians? Although I like Ted Cruz this article with real true facts reveals a different perspective for Cruz supporters. Click here: Does the immigration fight tell us about Cruz?

God’s agenda is not man’s agenda and most Christians truly know this but still get caught up in the flesh over matters. Whether you believe in God or not this is a spiritual war and battle and only God knows the outcome. Do you know the outcome or the future of any of the presidential candidates? Then why state it? Why falsely presume it?


Is it not truly God who is in control who also removes and raises up leaders?

Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him - Daniel 20:22

But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another - Psalm 75:7

In all fairness if I was to make a comparison between Donald Trump and any biblical character right now it would be this:

If we were really to compare someone to Trump out of the Bible to be raised up by God to perform his judicial will I’d choose Nebuchadrezzar. King Nebuchadrezzar was powerful, rich, not seemingly humble and did not truly know or serve the one true living God. However, in Jeremiah 43:10 God referred to him as “my servant” and raised him up to overthrow another evil and corrupt empire which were the Egyptians. Sadly, after many years of rule, Nebuchadrezzar’s end result was disastrous ... but still ... God used a corrupt king and empire to remove a corrupt king and empire.

So, in contrast, could God use Trump to bring down a corrupt government or expose evil in various ways ... The answer is yes if that were God’s will because God is in total control. Does God see things in Trump’s heart that no one else does? Yes, but what are they ... We don’t know. Donald Trump hasn’t displayed many good fruits outwardly that most media sources are revealing. However, the mainstream media doesn't get to truly define Trump nor are they Donald's judge. I've personally seen some media sources that actually show good fruits from Donald Trump. Here's one here as just an example that most mainstream media sources aren't going to show. Click here: Former Miss Wisconsin with Illness Tears Up Thanking Donald

So, I’d say if he’s used by God it will possibly be for a much needed change or even a decree of judgment for God’s will and purpose. We don't really know nor do we understand God's ways or judgments. Since the early 80's Trump has pointed out the fact that our country is being ripped off and taken advantage of, in relation to currency and trade, by other countries like the Middle East, China and Mexico. If this is true, then biblically this is what is known as unjust weights and balances that needs attention.

What about Mr. Trump's whole abortion statement? Let's be clear ... God or his Holy Word does not approve of or support abortion. It is considered the shedding of innocent blood. Life begins at conception. Within God's word HE has sent judgment upon people for the shedding of innocent blood. 
The statement that Donald Trump made concerning abortion & punishing women was meant to address the scenario if abortion was banned or illegal. If the law is broken then aren't you normally punished for the unlawful deed whatever it may be?

Should there be an exception for women to have an abortion for cases such as incest, rape or mother's life in danger? I don't know, but that decision is between that person and God. We're not their judge. Just for the record ... I don't agree with abortion despite it being a woman's right. There is nothing "right" about killing the unborn.

Here's Trump's latest statement on abortion that I saw oMSNBC NEWS: Statement on abortion answer from Hope Hicks on behalf of Donald Trump reads: "Mr. Trump gave an accurate account of the law as it is today and made clear it must stay that way now until he is President. Then, he will change the law through his judicial appointments and allow the states to protect the unborn. There is nothing new or different here."

Do I think that the Spirit of God is moving in a direction within the United States that will invoke change for his kingdom? I’d say yes. Is he gonna use Donald Trump indirectly or directly for this cause? I don’t know. My post was based on the notion that it is possible for God to raise someone like Trump up to bring about his will. My post is not in absolute support of Trump. It actually shed some support for Ted Cruz as well. I'd still like to see them join forces. The Republican Party is gonna damage itself if Trump receives all the necessary votes and delegates and they choose to not appoint him as their nominee.

On a concerning spiritual note, if Trump never becomes a true child of God (Elohim-Yahuwah) through Jesus Christ (Yeshua), then his final outcome could possibly be disastrous much like King Nebuchadrezzar, but only God knows and only God knows if Donald has made that decision or if he's gonna make that choice. 

...But still...What if? ... What if the mainstream media and people against Trump are wrong ... What if he's going to help "make America great again." Trump's teasing bid for a presidency since 1980 is almost prophetic. If Donald Trump was really so destructive, evil or ignorant wouldn't it show in his life even currently right now or better yet....wouldn't it show in his children? 

On the contrary, his life, family and children show differently. His children, unlike some wealthy Hollywood children, are not destructive, drug addicts, spoiled brats or foolish. They actually have great work ethics. God definitely blessed Mr. Trump with a good family and he has revealed just how important "family" is to him. Below are two video links that reveal a lot about Donald Trump, the bid for president and his family. Can the past tell the future? 

Watch these videos that reveal how Donald feels about our country and what he'd like to see accomplished and changed even as far back as 1980. History doesn't lie folks...

1st video...a compilation of Trump interviews & media spots relevant to politics since 1980: Click here -  Donald J. Trump: The Long Road to the White House (1980 - 2015)

2nd interview between Barbara Walters and Donald Trump, which included his wife, children and grandchildren plus more: Click hereDonald Trump's Wife, Children Talk About His Campaign, Home Life

Once again, my post is really based on the notion that it is possible for God to raise someone like Trump up to bring about his will. Since this blog-post may receive quite a bit of attention I gotta state this for the record:  I haven't decided who to completely support yet in our presidential election nor did I vote for Trump as the nominee in Florida.  Despite everything said or done could Donald Trump be a good president or more importantly could God anoint and raise him up for HIS purpose and will?

There is no doubt that Mr. Trump is probably more brilliant than people know. It's known that he's very strategic and will most likely not reveal much of his plans all out in the open and for good reason. The statements he made concerning the media and President Obama throughout the years sometimes giving away our military's plan of action to our enemies were spot on? You can't really defeat an enemy that can watch your every move and tactic being given away on satellite tv for the whole world to see.

I think that it's really gonna make a huge difference who our next president appoints as their advisors and full cabinet.  You gotta have the right people surrounding you as President. Will Trump or Cruz? 

What should each Christian do concering this matter? We should pray and ask God for wisdom, guidance and direction even when it comes to support or voting. 

Despite who's elected as our next President they will not be a savior. Our country must turn its heart back to God. You would have to be completely blinded not to see our drastic decline and calamities in every way since the year 2001.  

Here are some good source links as well as mainstream ones to search for articles and videos in reference to the presidential campaign, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, but are they biased? ... You decide:

My new revised nonfiction Christian biblical study guide, “Drawing a Line in the Sand”, is now finally available as a paperback book and was linked with the ebook on the same page.

Here are the links for the paperback and ebook version available on Amazon

Click here - Paperback version on Amazon

Friday, February 12, 2016

Drawing a Line in the Sand ... My Holy Spirit inspired 2016 Biblical Study Guide ... Now Available

Drawing a Line the Sand: Biblical Study Guide 2016

Ebook & Paperback now availabe on Amazon

My new revised nonfiction Christian biblical study guide, “Drawing a Line in the Sand”, is now finally available as a paperback book. It went “live” today (2-12-16) and was linked with the ebook on the same page.

Here are the links for the paperback and ebook version on Amazon

Click here - Paperback version on Amazon

My short story and testimony on the writing behind this book .......

Between 2013 and 2014 my nonfiction Christian book “Drawing a Line the Sand” was accepted by some literary agents, one of which was located in New York. Some thought the book had the name of Jesus in it to much. One mysteriously misplaced the physical manuscript that I paid money to send.

So, I set out to publish myself, especially a book that seems so controversial in today’s world. Heck, the name of Jesus is becoming controversial in the United States.

I first started writing in 2008 really to cope with my mother’s death, which turned into a blessing. It really helped me stay grounded in Christ so much more. I was constantly reading and studying the bible as well as writing many hours a day. My wife Mia Staneart definitely remembers this grieving and writing time in my life. I stayed to myself alot and just focused on writing. I really appreciate her patience with me back then.

I also wrote the book , which was originally inspired by the Holy Spirit, to answer a lot of questions people have about the bible and related topics. One more important reason I wrote my book was to help bridge a gap between Christians, churches and denominations that are divided when they shouldn’t be. Many Christians and churches are divided by their theological views, dress codes or even according to how wealthy they are.

God created diversity not division and all saved believers are one body in Christ no matter what Christian church they attend. God doesn’t judge the outward appearance (1 Samuel 16:7 & John 7:24), so its never been about that in any way form or fashion....... Its always been about the heart and spirit of people.

The greatest gift and fruit that God gave to mankind to receive was love, and he gave it unconditionally through his son Jesus Christ (Yeshua). The sacrifice and blood of Jesus is the only thing on this earth that has made mankind forgiven, righteous, holy, blessed and saved ... Nothing else can add to that or replace it, because it was finished at the cross ... If we as Christians are to walk Christ-like, then we must NOT walk by the seeing of our eyes or hearing of our ears, which was the way Jesus walked according to Isaiah 11:1-3. Christians must walk in love toward all people (your neighbor), especially your brother in Christ ... Otherwise you’re nothing and just a racket of noise according to 1 Corinthians 13:1-3.

As many people already know, I wrote “Drawing a Line in the Sand” in 2008 and published it in 2009, but I knew that It wasn’t quite ready. Then, I was able to have some editing and corrections applied to the book in 2010 that I paid money for. It just wasn’t enough and I still was not happy with it. I finally just removed the book off the market I think in 2013.

In 2014, I revised a lot of the book and wrote a completely new intro. I paid a company to have my book formatted and coded as an ebook that I could sell on Amazon. However, I ended up having to learn a little html coding to fix some of their minor mistakes and errors myself even within the table of contents. It was made available once again on Amazon only as an ebook. Sadly, I still wanted to do more revising and editing in the book, so that stayed on my mind for a long time.

The 2014 revised ebook version was much better and many people that I didn’t even know was asking if a paperback book was available for it. At that time there was only an ebook version, so I knew one day a paperback version would have to be created.

Now in 2016, I was inspired to write some books on topics that I knew well and to create some ebooks. So, I wrote a nutritional supplement buying guide and learned html coding myself and completely created an ebook for that. This book took off and started selling right away. I’m currently writing Series 2, because the supplement buying guide is a 3-part series.

After learning enough html coding, I was then inspired by the Holy Spirit to go back through my Christian book, “Drawing a Line in the Sand”, and rewrite, revise, edit and update it even with a new white book cover. So, I did just that and finished a book that it seems like I’ve been working on for years ....... seven years to be exact since it was first published through AuthorHouse in 2009. I published this book myself on Amazon through Creataspace. I even updated the ebook version as well and resubmitted it.

I chose to create a white book cover and cross to represent the resurrection of a book that was basically dead. The white cross represents the lively hope that Christ has given us, because he is resurrected, alive and returning one day soon. Now, I’m proud of my book that I finished, which was made into a good biblical study guide. I hope it will be used for the kingdom of God and a blessing to people.

Amazon will let you preview some of the ebook, but not the paperback yet. You can click on the paperback and spin it around to give you a virtual feel of the book, but they haven’t updated it completely yet so you can read some samples out of it. My study guide is over 500 pages long, so it’s a fairly large paperback book with page numbers of course. The ebook, which has the same content, is about 300 pages long. At least the ebook has an interactive table of contents and other supported links. You can click on a specific chapter or subtitle in the ebook and it will take you straight there.

When you set a price for your book to sell, Amazon and Creataspace will not distribute your books if you set the price below their recommended minimum price. This goes for any ebook or paperback if you publish through them. The bigger the book or the more color photos you have within it, then the higher the minimum price set. I always choose the minimum price for my books. I gotta say though, Creataspace is a great platform for unknown authors to publish books through for free and you get to keep more of your profits.

Check out my books on Amazon if you get the chance ... God Bless!  Search my name ... Daniel L. Staneart ... Click here to go straight to Amazon 

Here's a great biblical resource site for quickly confirming and finding bible scriptures:  Click here @ Biblegateway

Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Light of the World & the Father of Lights

Christ the Messiah.......Emmanuel.......God is with us...

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us -- Matthew 1:23

When Jesus, the light of the world, walked into the temple during the feast of dedication (John 10:22) many Jews didn’t realize that their Messiah had arrived. On our calendar this event took place between December 12 and 13th during winter in Israel. The feast of dedication was a time of the dedication of the tabernacle (temple and Torah).

And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter.
And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's porch.
Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.
Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father's name, they bear witness of me.  But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you.
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:  And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I and my Father are one - John 10:22-30

Centuries later during this time, also in December, the celebration of Chanukah (festival and dedication of lights) was instituted because of a miracle of a small cruse of oil that burned for 8 days in the temple during the time of the Maccabees.  Around December 13th of this year was actually the 7th day of Chanukah according to the Jewish calendar. It’s all an amazing connection even in relation to Christmas lights because God is the father of lights and Jesus is the light of the world.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning -- James 1:17

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life -- John 8:12

Chanukah Miracle (139 BCE):

On the 25th of Kislev in the year 3622 from creation, the Maccabees liberated the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, after defeating the vastly more numerous and powerful armies of the Syrian-Greek king Antiochus IV, who had tried to forcefully uproot the beliefs and practices of Judaism from the people of Israel. The victorious Jews repaired, cleansed and rededicated the Temple to the service of G-d. But all the Temple's oil had been defiled by the pagan invaders; when the Jews sought to light the Temple's menorah (candelabra), they found only one small cruse of ritually pure olive oil. Miraculously, the one-day supply burned for eight days, until new, pure oil could be obtained. In commemoration, the Sages instituted the 8-day festival of Chanukah, on which lights are kindled nightly to recall and publicize the miracle.

Do you like to read, especially ebooks?

Are you looking for a Christian book on biblical topics that answers many questions? How about an ebook that also has interactive links that carry you to every chapter and even subtopics as well as guiding you to supporting websites? Have you ever read a verse in the bible and forgot it and wish you could remember it again especially where it was located? My book will help you and leave you feeling empowered with scripture as well as knowledge.

If you answered yes then this ebook may be perfect for you. It answers many questions backed by holy biblical scripture and wisdom plus it provides practically every scripture related to certain topics like...Salvation, Water Baptism, Holy Spirit, Creation, Angels, Demons and so much more.

My book will help you get equipped with answers and information so that you can teach others biblical truths while answering questions with solid answers backed all by scripture.

My book was written to reestablish what was already written in the word of God to use as an excellent reference and study guide.

My book was also written to lift up the name of Jesus against Satan, and to address divisions in the body of Christ hoping to bridge a gap for some Christians and denominational churches as well as share personal testimony, valuable information and links. This book also supports Christian music, radio and various ministries. 

Here is the Amazon link for my book if you would like to purchase it or even read some of it for free:

Some samples of questions answered in my book are.......

How to receive eternal life and salvation?

How and why did the thief on the cross crucified beside Jesus receive eternal salvation?

Which biblical scriptures give the exact definition of the gospel of Christ by which we are saved?

Are we once saved always saved?

Why did God create Satan or rather free will if he knew that evil and sin would come into the world?

Where do evil spirits come from and how did they originate?

How is Jesus both God and the Son of God?

How to seek after the heart and kingdom of God?

How to pray and how the word P.R.A.Y can be a guideline?

Is there a difference between receiving the Holy Spirit in your heart and life through salvation compared to receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Ghost) with fire receiving power?

How to receive the blessings of the Lord?

Can you really die before your appointed time?

Were there really giants on the earth during the time of Enoch and Noah?

How did some giants survive the flood and still exist during the time of King David?

Who is Jesus and who is Satan (Shatanim)?

Who are the High Holy Angels, Warring Angels and fallen ones?

Is Wine wrong to drink from a Christian and biblical point of view?

What should a place of worship and church be like today?

Who was Enoch and how important was he?

How long was Noah and his family actually on the ark?

How many years are considered a biblical generation?

Does God judge the outward appearance?

My book even includes topics on.......the Lunar Tetrad (four blood red moons-lunar eclipses), Seven feasts of Israel, Christmas and the birth of Jesus, Day of crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, Noah’s flood and Enoch. Divisions (theological & physical) in the body of Christ, especially between the Pentecostals and Baptists, plus so much more. Buy your copy today and get equipped!!!

Once again, here is the Amazon link for my book if you would like to purchase it for $1.99 or even read some of it for free:

Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Jubilee Year September 2015. What does it mean?

The next Jubilee year begins at sundown during the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) on September 23, 2015. What is a Jubilee year? It is the 50th year following 7 shemittahs or rather 7 sabbatical years. A sabbatical or shemittah year takes place every 7 years, so a period of 7 shemittahs, which is 7 x 7 = 49 years, would result in a Jubilee year for the start of the 50th year.

Leviticus 25: 8-11 "And you shall count seven sabbaths of years for yourself, seven times seven years; and the time of the seven sabbaths of years shall be to you forty-nine years. Then you shall cause the trumpet of the Jubilee to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the Day of Atonement you shall make the trumpet to sound throughout all your land. And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a Jubilee for you; and each of you shall return to his possession, and each of you shall return to his family. That fiftieth year shall be a Jubilee to you; in it you shall neither sow nor reap what grows of its own accord, nor gather the grapes of your untended vine."

Basically the Jubilee year is all about Blessing and Judgment. Here is a short quote from Hebrew Nation Radio concerning the Jubilee and what it means:

“ The Jubilee year means Blessing, outpouring, restoration, return to the land, canceling of debts, slaves set free, BLESSING BLESSING BLESSING…..AND

Judgment, unrepentant ones are slain by their enemies, Yahweh sets His face against us, there is drought, plague, pestilence ALL HAPPENING AT THE SAME TIME, ALL ROLLED INTO ONE….

The JUDGMENT and the JOY/ FREEDOM and RELEASE is all happening at the SAME TIME.

Remember for those who are pursuing a repentant lifestyle, for those who are humble, broken, repentant and seeking to obey Yahweh and His commands by the power of His Holy Spirit, the Year of JUBILEE is GREAT BLESSING and outpouring, redemption, deliverance, freedom This is GOOD NEWS!”

Let’s take all the Jubilee Years starting from the 1900’s and move forward to our time now and the year 2015 - 2016:

1917 - 1918: Jubilee starts in 1917. (November 1917) Balfour Declaration, which expressed support from Great Britain and others, proclaimed the Jewish people a homeland in the geographical area of Palestine around the end of WWI. Finally, after about 2,000 years the Jewish people began all returning to their homeland of Israel.

1966 - 1967: Jubilee year starts in 1967. The Six-day war takes place between the Jewish people and Arabs. On June 7, 1967 the Jewish people are victorious and completely restored to their capital city of Jerusalem.

2015 - 2016: This will be the next Jubilee year beginning on September 23rd of this year and it will end on September 2016. What will it bring? War, judgment and even blessing.......

What do I personally think is going to happen during the upcoming month of September? It will be a very prophetic time as many know and I've wrote about it in a previous post in more detail.

I believe that war could break out involving Israel. There definitely could be another major economic crash in the United States and possibly around the globe, but since it will be a Jubilee Year this could bring a different outcome, especially for the children of God. Revivals and miracles are going to start and break out. The Jewish people could very well receive their freedom and liberty to start the actual physical building process of the third temple.

Could the Lord Jesus come or even the rapture (gathering together, caught up, assembling) take place this year? It very well could but only the Father in Heaven knows.

Could the 7-year peace treaty be signed this year or next ushering in the start of the Seven Year Tribulation? This is a very good possibility, but only the Lord knows. The word of God tells us to be watchful and ready. Luke 21:36 even tells us to pray that we are worthy to escape the wrath and evil that is to come. Keep in mind that we will not know the day or hour but those watching and waiting for the Lord’s return with hope and faith will recognize the signs and season.

If you are not saved in the Lord Jesus Christ...why wait? You’re time is now.......

What does God want you to do during this prophetic time and more specifically what is God’s will for your life? I recently watched and even learned from an excellent video and teaching from Jonathan Cahn about how to seek the heart and will of God for your life. This was a great teaching and testimony and I recommend this teaching to any Christian: Here is the link

I am also finishing up on my new book called "Little Horn and the Cup of Trembling", which is a story within a true biblical story teaching end-time events and the rise of the Antichrist. A young Ambassador from the United Kingdom investigates and discovers the identity of the “Little Horn” and so events begin to unravel. This story contains a lot of teaching backed all by scripture from the birth place and region of the Antichrist to the ancient location and area of the Garden of Eden to even the Rapture and Mystery Babylon. The story will even include some humor and romance but most of all how the young Ambassador named Marshall comes to Jesus...

My first self_published book, which was rewritten as well as its purpose, is available on Amazon as an ebook. The book is called "Drawing a Line in the Sand Revisited" and it also contains interactive links within the book. Here is the link for it on Amazon that you can click:

Are you looking for a Christian book on biblical topics that answers many questions? Have you ever read a verse in the bible and forgot it and wish you could remember it again especially where it was located?

If you answered yes then this ebook may be perfect for you. It answers many questions backed by holy biblical scripture and wisdom plus it provides practically every scripture related to certain topics like...Salvation, Water Baptism, Holy Spirit, Creation and so much more.

My book will help you get equipped with answers and information so that you can teach others biblical truths while answering questions with solid answers backed all by scripture. It truly serves as an excellent study guide and compliment for your Holy Bible.
It was written to reestablish what was already written in the word of God to use as an excellent reference and study guide

My book was also written to lift up the name of Jesus against Satan and to address divisions in the body of Christ hoping to bridge a gap for some Christians and denominational churches as well as share personal testimony, valuable information and links.

Some samples of questions answered in my book are.......

How to receive eternal life and salvation?

Why did God create Satan if he knew that evil and sin would come into the world?

Where do evil spirits come from and how did they originate?

Are we once saved always saved?

How is Jesus both God and the Son of God?

How do we seek the heart and kingdom of God?

How do we receive the blessings of the Lord?

Can you really die before your appointed time?

Were there really giants on the earth during the time of Enoch and Noah?

How did some giants survive the flood and still exist during the time of King David?

Who is Jesus and who is Satan (Shatanim)?

Is Wine wrong to drink from a Christian and biblical point of view?

What should a place of worship and church be like today?

Who was Enoch and how important was he?

How long was Noah and his family actually on the ark?

How many years are considered a biblical generation?

Does God judge the outward appearance?

My book even includes topics on.......the upcoming Lunar Tetrad (four blood red moons-lunar eclipses), Seven feasts of Israel, Christmas and the birth of Jesus, Day of crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, Noah’s flood and Enoch, Divisions (theological & physical) in the body of Christ and so much more. Buy your copy today and get equipped!!!

Purchase this ebook available on Amazon. Click on the link for more details

Draw your line in the Sand for God today!!!
Visit and connect with me on Twitter @

Links for reference on the Holy Bible, Christian books and Christianity

Buy my book "Drawing a Line in the Sand Revisited" today on Amazon @

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Prophetic biblical news & End-time updates:


Interesting that both Obama and the Pope are being summoned to appear before the Sanhedrin; Obama's hearing is scheduled for 9.8.15 or 9.9.15 taking place a few days before a partial solar eclipse on Sept 12th - 13th. The Pope's hearing with the Sanhedrin is set for 9.20.15. The partial solar eclipse is interesting because it will fall around Elul 29 which is Sept 13th on our calendar signifying the end of the Shemitah, which is the sabbatical or rather 7th year of a seven year cycle.

Let us not forget that the Pope will be meeting with Obama at the White House on....Sept 23rd, the eve of Yom Kippur just preceding the Day of Atonement. The Fall Equinox will fall on the 23rd as well. Sept 28th is also the final and last blood red moon eclipse of the lunar tetrad making the month of September very prophetic and significant. Also, all three Jewish Fall Feasts will be falling in September of this year.

The Jewish Fall Feasts are:

Feast of Trumpets (Beginning Sept 14th - Sept 15th on our calendar)

Feast of the Day of Atonement (Beginning Sept 23rd - 24th on our calendar)

Feast of Tabernacles (Beginning Sept 28th - 29th on our calendar)

Here’s an Israeli news article that I wanted to share:

A Breaking Israel News exclusive. A re-established and self declared Israeli Sanhedrin is calling US President Barack Obama to trial for what it says are “criminal offenses” against the Jewish people following the passage of the Iran nuclear deal.

The modern day Jewish high court, made up of 71 Judaic scholars and rabbis, plan to bring the American president to trial on Mount Zion on September 9, 2015, four days before Rosh Hashana, the beginning of heavenly judgement days for the Jewish nation.

According to a letter obtained exclusively by Breaking Israel News that was sent to the president, the Sanhedrin calls out Obama for “deliberately promoting genocide for the Jewish people.” The judges of the Sanhedrin call on the president to “immediately announce that you are repealing and suspending the agreement.”

The Sanhedrin, which has been active in Israel for over a decade, recently made news when it announced that it would be putting Pope Francis on trial in absentia for his recognition of a “State of Palestine”.

“We are here for matters great and small, those that pertain to Israel, and those that pertain to other nations as well,” said Rabbi Dov Stein, secretary of the Sanhedrin, to Breaking Israel News. “It is part of the process of Geula (redemption) and of the Nation of Israel coming back to the Land of Israel, reestablishing the Sanhedrin and restoring the nation as it once was, ‘For out of Zion shall the Torah go out, and the world of God from Jerusalem.’”

These writings are my own that I type up while also getting information from my bible and sources online. I share these on my facebook page. The above post is my most recent.

Here are a couple older posts of mine that are both biblically and prophetically related as well:

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT will be made public tomorrow from Israel specifically by the Temple Institute located in Jerusalem. They are claiming that it will be world changing so we can expect them to announce the building of the third temple soon as well as some other events.

Direct link and event announcement from the Jewish Temple Institute set for July 12th 2015:

Temple Institute website link:

Other news - Headlines read: Does CNN think the Messiah is coming? This is interesting from CNN through an Israeli news source:…

NEW UPDATE: The important announcement from the Temple Institute was that they are raising red heifers for the first time in Israel to choose a perfect unblemished one, which is a prerequisite for the building of the third Jewish temple. They also have everything they need to go inside the temple as well as the blueprints for it.

Prophetic news update:

A rare 5.2 earthquake recently hit southern Israel in the Sinai Peninsula and both Gaza as well as Egypt felt it. The area of Sinai (Mount Sinai) is where Moses received the Ten Commandments from God. The significant thing about this is that it shook Mount Eilat. Why is that important? Mount Eilat is where billions of dollars worth of gold has recently been discovered and it was stated by Rabbi Yehuda Glick that it will primarily be used in the building of the third Jewish temple. Most bible scholars and many Christians know that a new third temple has to be built in Jerusalem during the last days to fulfill biblical prophecy.

Another rare event is taking place in the sky that hasn't happened in over 2,000 years since the birth of Christ. The planets Jupiter and Venus will be conjoining on June 30th. They have been slowly getting closer but should reach their peak by tomorrow and be seen through the 4th of July when you see a big bright star in the sky don't worry it's only two planets close together.

Another aspect that makes this rare is that it will be taking place within the Leo (lion - lion of Judah) constellation and the king star Regulus will be in the mane of the lion within close proximity to the Jupiter & Venus conjunction. Many scholars believe that the Star of Bethlehem during the birth of Christ was the conjoining of Jupiter, Venus and Regulus together which would have made the biggest, closet and brightest star that anyone has even seen. Personally, I do believe this took place but along with a supernatural touch from God that made it even more special and bright.

Judah is a lion's whelp. My son, you have risen up from the prey; he stoops, he crouches like a lion; and like a lioness, who can rouse him - Gen 49:9

The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the lawmaker from between his feet, until He comes to whom it belongs (Shiloh) and the obedience of the people to him - Gen 49:10

And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof - Revelation 5:5

Important prophetic biblical events coming this September:

The final blood red moon eclipse of the tetrad will fall on 9/28/15 during the feast of Tabernacles and it will be a "super moon" visible over Israel. Prior to this event also in September of this year Rosh Hashanah and the Feast of Trumpets will take place, then Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement and the end of the Shemittah Year.

Other events taking place between July and September that may affect our country and certain areas: A decision by the Supreme Court to rule on Gay Marriage making it a constitutional right in all 50 states. Jade Helm military exercises and their purpose especially in Texas.

On September 13th it will be the 29th of Elul and the end of the Shemittah Year on the Jewish Calendar. Why is this significant? Because during the end of the last two Shemittah cycles major stock market crashes have taken place affecting the U.S. and others. The greatest U.S. stock market crash of all time in one day took place in September 2001 on the 29th of Elul.......7 years later (2008) another great crash and economic disaster for the U.S. and now 7 years later (2015) something else could take place. A Shemittah year takes place every seven years for those who aren't familiar with the term.

On September 15th the 70th session of the U.N. General Assembly will take place. Why is this important? They are going to decide whether or not there should be a Palestinian State in Israel (two-state solution) dividing God's land. Close to the end of September a new global agenda is going to be launched by the U.N. for the entire world involving many provisions. During this time the Pope is coming to the United States to meet with President Obama and will be giving a global speech from New York concerning the United Nations new agenda. Is it possible that Pope Francis is a prime candidate to be the end-time false prophet?

There are many other things revealing that we are in the last days such as nations gathering against Israel and even our President not recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This has never happened before since Israel became an independent nation in 1948. Plans for building the third temple in Israel are already in place. Economic problems going on around the world including the U.S. and Greece.

ISIS terrorizing and killing both Christians and Jews shedding much innocent blood. Earthquakes in divers places happening very frequently including a record number of volcanoes erupting this year already. Mass animal deaths, both land and sea, have been taking place in 66 countries around the world involving 412 different events. Could this be related to the Hosea biblical prophecy? Record floods, droughts and wildfires have been and still are taking place including wars and rumors of wars.

The return of Christ may or may not be close but Jesus did say that we would recognize the time and season although we would not know the day or hour. The Lord Jesus said to be watchful and ready. I encourage you to allow God to restore and reestablish your prayer life if it has been withering. If you don't know Jesus Christ and never have received salvation the time is now.

Are you looking for the perfect self-help all-in-one Christian nonfiction book & biblical study guide?

Are you looking for a Christian book on biblical topics that answers many questions? Have you ever read a verse in the bible and forgot it and wish you could remember it again especially where it was located?

If you answered yes then this ebook may be perfect for you. It answers many questions backed by holy biblical scripture and wisdom plus it provides practically every scripture related to certain topics like...Salvation, Water Baptism, Holy Spirit, Creation and so much more.

My book will help you get equipped with answers and information so that you can teach others biblical truths while answering questions with solid answers backed all by scripture. It truly serves as an excellent study guide and compliment for your Holy Bible.

My book was written to reestablish what was already written in the word of God to use as an excellent reference and study guide

My book was also written to lift up the name of Jesus against Satan and to address divisions in the body of Christ hoping to bridge a gap for some Christians and denominational churches as well as share personal testimony, valuable information and links.

Some samples of questions answered in my book are.......

How to receive eternal life and salvation?

Why did God create Satan if he knew that evil and sin would come into the world?

Where do evil spirits come from and how did they originate?

Are we once saved always saved?

How is Jesus both God and the Son of God?

How do we seek the heart and kingdom of God?

How do we receive the blessings of the Lord?

Can you really die before your appointed time?

Were there really giants on the earth during the time of Enoch and Noah?

How did some giants survive the flood and still exist during the time of King David?

Who is Jesus and who is Satan (Shatanim)?

Is Wine wrong to drink from a Christian and biblical point of view?

What should a place of worship and church be like today?

Who was Enoch and how important was he?

How long was Noah and his family actually on the ark?

How many years are considered a biblical generation?

Does God judge the outward appearance?

My book even includes topics on.......the upcoming Lunar Tetrad (four blood red moons-lunar eclipses), Seven feasts of Israel, Christmas and the birth of Jesus, Day of crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, Noah’s flood and Enoch, Divisions (theological & physical) in the body of Christ and so much more. Buy your copy today and get equipped!!!

Purchase this ebook available on Amazon. Click on the link for more details

Draw your line in the Sand for God today!!!

Visit and connect with me on Twitter @

Links for reference on the Holy Bible, Christian books and Christianity

Buy my book "Drawing a Line in the Sand Revisited" today on Amazon @