Friday, February 12, 2016

Drawing a Line in the Sand ... My Holy Spirit inspired 2016 Biblical Study Guide ... Now Available

Drawing a Line the Sand: Biblical Study Guide 2016

Ebook & Paperback now availabe on Amazon

My new revised nonfiction Christian biblical study guide, “Drawing a Line in the Sand”, is now finally available as a paperback book. It went “live” today (2-12-16) and was linked with the ebook on the same page.

Here are the links for the paperback and ebook version on Amazon

Click here - Paperback version on Amazon

My short story and testimony on the writing behind this book .......

Between 2013 and 2014 my nonfiction Christian book “Drawing a Line the Sand” was accepted by some literary agents, one of which was located in New York. Some thought the book had the name of Jesus in it to much. One mysteriously misplaced the physical manuscript that I paid money to send.

So, I set out to publish myself, especially a book that seems so controversial in today’s world. Heck, the name of Jesus is becoming controversial in the United States.

I first started writing in 2008 really to cope with my mother’s death, which turned into a blessing. It really helped me stay grounded in Christ so much more. I was constantly reading and studying the bible as well as writing many hours a day. My wife Mia Staneart definitely remembers this grieving and writing time in my life. I stayed to myself alot and just focused on writing. I really appreciate her patience with me back then.

I also wrote the book , which was originally inspired by the Holy Spirit, to answer a lot of questions people have about the bible and related topics. One more important reason I wrote my book was to help bridge a gap between Christians, churches and denominations that are divided when they shouldn’t be. Many Christians and churches are divided by their theological views, dress codes or even according to how wealthy they are.

God created diversity not division and all saved believers are one body in Christ no matter what Christian church they attend. God doesn’t judge the outward appearance (1 Samuel 16:7 & John 7:24), so its never been about that in any way form or fashion....... Its always been about the heart and spirit of people.

The greatest gift and fruit that God gave to mankind to receive was love, and he gave it unconditionally through his son Jesus Christ (Yeshua). The sacrifice and blood of Jesus is the only thing on this earth that has made mankind forgiven, righteous, holy, blessed and saved ... Nothing else can add to that or replace it, because it was finished at the cross ... If we as Christians are to walk Christ-like, then we must NOT walk by the seeing of our eyes or hearing of our ears, which was the way Jesus walked according to Isaiah 11:1-3. Christians must walk in love toward all people (your neighbor), especially your brother in Christ ... Otherwise you’re nothing and just a racket of noise according to 1 Corinthians 13:1-3.

As many people already know, I wrote “Drawing a Line in the Sand” in 2008 and published it in 2009, but I knew that It wasn’t quite ready. Then, I was able to have some editing and corrections applied to the book in 2010 that I paid money for. It just wasn’t enough and I still was not happy with it. I finally just removed the book off the market I think in 2013.

In 2014, I revised a lot of the book and wrote a completely new intro. I paid a company to have my book formatted and coded as an ebook that I could sell on Amazon. However, I ended up having to learn a little html coding to fix some of their minor mistakes and errors myself even within the table of contents. It was made available once again on Amazon only as an ebook. Sadly, I still wanted to do more revising and editing in the book, so that stayed on my mind for a long time.

The 2014 revised ebook version was much better and many people that I didn’t even know was asking if a paperback book was available for it. At that time there was only an ebook version, so I knew one day a paperback version would have to be created.

Now in 2016, I was inspired to write some books on topics that I knew well and to create some ebooks. So, I wrote a nutritional supplement buying guide and learned html coding myself and completely created an ebook for that. This book took off and started selling right away. I’m currently writing Series 2, because the supplement buying guide is a 3-part series.

After learning enough html coding, I was then inspired by the Holy Spirit to go back through my Christian book, “Drawing a Line in the Sand”, and rewrite, revise, edit and update it even with a new white book cover. So, I did just that and finished a book that it seems like I’ve been working on for years ....... seven years to be exact since it was first published through AuthorHouse in 2009. I published this book myself on Amazon through Creataspace. I even updated the ebook version as well and resubmitted it.

I chose to create a white book cover and cross to represent the resurrection of a book that was basically dead. The white cross represents the lively hope that Christ has given us, because he is resurrected, alive and returning one day soon. Now, I’m proud of my book that I finished, which was made into a good biblical study guide. I hope it will be used for the kingdom of God and a blessing to people.

Amazon will let you preview some of the ebook, but not the paperback yet. You can click on the paperback and spin it around to give you a virtual feel of the book, but they haven’t updated it completely yet so you can read some samples out of it. My study guide is over 500 pages long, so it’s a fairly large paperback book with page numbers of course. The ebook, which has the same content, is about 300 pages long. At least the ebook has an interactive table of contents and other supported links. You can click on a specific chapter or subtitle in the ebook and it will take you straight there.

When you set a price for your book to sell, Amazon and Creataspace will not distribute your books if you set the price below their recommended minimum price. This goes for any ebook or paperback if you publish through them. The bigger the book or the more color photos you have within it, then the higher the minimum price set. I always choose the minimum price for my books. I gotta say though, Creataspace is a great platform for unknown authors to publish books through for free and you get to keep more of your profits.

Check out my books on Amazon if you get the chance ... God Bless!  Search my name ... Daniel L. Staneart ... Click here to go straight to Amazon 

Here's a great biblical resource site for quickly confirming and finding bible scriptures:  Click here @ Biblegateway

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