Sunday, March 2, 2014

Evolution is a religion

I actually took some time to listen to the big national debate between Bill Nye (evolutionist-atheist) and Ken Ham (Christian-creationist) on Feb. 5th 2014. I wanted to share something simple that I wrote concerning evolution and creation from my own research and studies:

Evolution is a religion (belief). It is something that you have to believe in and nobody actually saw the big bang theory take place. Evolution or the big bang theory cannot be tested or demonstrated. No one has ever seen a star form from its very beginning but we have seen a star blow up (nova). Nobody has ever seen an animal produce a different kind of animal. All species produce after their own kind even though there are many variations of that kind (species).

Genesis 1:11-12 “And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”

Genesis 1:25 “And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”

To believe that any living species came from something else such as rock/mud is foolish, and then to claim if enough “time” goes by then something non-living can change into something living is even more foolish. This is only a belief and because it is a belief then it is also a religion, hence evolution is a religion and a very ignorant one. Mankind did not come from a rock 4.6 billion years ago. A rock (cosmic dust) 4.6 billion years ago, would still be a rock and would by no means have evolved into a living breathing human being.
If you believe in evolution then you will have to believe what they believe and there is no in-between. All creation has a unique, precise and wonderful design by a Creator that evolution cannot account for.

Evolution really has 6 different meanings-beliefs (levels-stages):

1. Cosmic Evolution- the origin of time, space and matter from nothing in the fictitious "big bang."

2. Stellar evolution- the dust and debris from this imaginary big bang somehow collects into solids (or at least tightly compressed gasses) called stars and self ignites.

3. Chemical evolution- the stars now fuse the hydrogen and helium into all 90 other elements.

4. Organic evolution- the elements that are blown off of or orbiting the stars come alive on at least one planet (earth).

5.Macro-evolution- This first life form learns to reproduce itself (quite a feat!) and then somehow is able to make offspring that are different than itself.

6. Micro-evolution- The life forms produce offspring with great variations like dogs, wolves and coyotes coming from a common dog-like ancestor.

ONLY # 6 above is real science. No one has ever observed ANY of the first 5 happening
any place in the world at any time in history---meanings of evolution courtesy of Dr. Kent Hovind. #6 just backs up the Genesis account of creation in the Holy Bible even more that life forms produce offspring---yes the bible states this---and that they produce variations from a common ancestor---exactly as the bible states---they produce after their OWN KIND. The fact that Evolutionists don’t even realize they’re supporting the bible with micro-evolution is ironic.

Even scientific experiments with bacteria that evolutionists like to harp on prove creation and the Genesis account. In all experiments showing variations (changes and kinds) of bacteria produced they are still bacteria and haven’t produced anything new. There are many different variations of corn produced but it is still corn.
Have you ever seen corn produce a cat or even more realistically a strawberry? NO, you haven’t because everything produces from its own kind even though there are many variations within the kind. Variations do not prove or support evolution at all but support variety and creationism with great intelligence and imagination. Who can create and design more imaginable than God? Just go outside and closely look around…

Variations within a species are built into the gene code but where did the original gene code come from? It had to have been created and would not have come from rock or mud. Adding time to the factor or to say if enough time goes by a change will take place is not true evolution (ape to man). Adding time doesn’t cause a non-living thing (rock) to become a living thing (bird). It actually would work in reverse because adding more time for something to change would only bring adaptation (if living) or deterioration (if non-living) and not advancement (superiority).

The model of Apes evolving into man (human kind) is advancement and is a primary model for evolution. This “evolving” is false and there is no fossil record of any species changing into a completely different species. The fossil record only shows variations within the same species. Apes still exist today so how come they haven’t evolved into human kind? It is because evolution is a religion (belief) and a lie to corrupt the minds of people against God and creation. True science doesn’t support belief but supports tested, experimented, demonstrated and applied facts. The Big Bang Theory has never been proven, tested, demonstrated, applied or seen and so it is a belief (not science).

What about Natural Selection? The definition of natural selection is the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. The theory of its action was first fully expounded by Charles Darwin and is now believed to be the main process that brings about evolution.

In natural selection nothing new is produced because nature has to select from what already exist. Adaptation is not true evolution either. The true meaning of evolution and its model only come from the 6 meanings listed above. Natural Selection selects but it doesn’t create or create anything new because the information (genetic code) has to already be there in the first place to be selected from.

When you workout your body (muscles) with weights your muscle fibers tear and grow stronger as well as larger to adapt to the stress being put upon them. They ADAPT but they do not evolve into something else, for example your muscles don’t change into something completely different---they’re still muscle fibers. They don’t change (evolve) into leaves lol.

The further you drift away from an original starting genetic code the more mutations, diseases or illnesses take place. A species doesn’t evolve into something better over time into a new and different creature it only adapts and advances over time becoming a better survivor. A change in environment and surroundings as well as “time” can lead a species to become more intelligent adapting to survive but that species will never transform (evolve) into a different species with a completely different genetic code. Once again, apples produce apples by producing after their own kind but an apple (apple seed) will never produce an orange.
Keep in mind that for it to be fact and actually naturally created it cannot be tampered with by man. Cross-breeding and hybrids can be produced by men in labs and so forth but this doesn’t represent true creation or evolution but only human tampering.

Definition of modern science in relation to evolution in my words: My example--An elephant came (evolved) from a stone, which is a complete lie, but modern science within evolution suggest that an elephant came slowly over time from a stone---What? Are you kidding me, evolution is stupidity. All schools and textbooks should include creationism based on the Genesis chapter 1 account. This would give students something more to consider than being brainwashed by theories of evolution which are not fact but only a belief which constitutes a religion.

Psalm 14:1 “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.”

This blog contains some writings that are copyrighted from my old self-published book called Drawing a Line in the Sand.  The new more professionally written version is contained within my new manuscript called "Drawing a Line in the Sand Revisited". 

By Daniel Staneart

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